
Dental Veneers — the Ultimate Cover-up for Your Teeth

Jul 18, 2024
Dental Veneers — the Ultimate Cover-up for Your Teeth
There are just a few imperfections that stand between you and your dream smile, and you want to know how to go about achieving that winning grin. It might be time for you to explore dental veneers, which can transform your teeth.

A smile is often cited as a feature that people pay close attention to, so you want to make sure that yours is worthy of the extra focus. Yet, you have a few imperfections that stand in the way of that winning smile of your dreams, and you want to overcome these hurdles.

Dr. Juliet Ebrahimian and the team here at Silverlake Smiles have one word for you — veneers. This nifty dental tool allows us to cover up a host of cosmetic issues in your teeth, giving you a fantastic smile filled with perfectly white, straight teeth.

Here’s a look at a few of the many reasons why the patients here at Silverlake Smiles love dental veneers.

Dental veneers can whiten teeth in your smile zone

Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that we place over the fronts of your teeth, mostly in your smile zone. This means we can cover up dull, yellowing teeth with fresh white veneers that will light up your smile.

This is a helpful benefit because professional teeth whitening can’t tackle certain discolorations, such as severely stained teeth, teeth with worn enamel, and deadened, black teeth.

Dental veneers can cover up chips and uneven teeth

Your teeth are awfully strong, but they aren't invincible. If your teeth are worn unevenly or they’ve developed chips, the lineup in your mouth is far from neat and tidy.

With dental veneers, we can hide these imperfections behind the porcelain shells so that when you smile, people will see white teeth that line up beautifully.

Dental veneers can bridge the gap

If you have large spaces or gaps between your teeth that detract from your smile, we can close the gap with dental veneers. Once we place the veneers, your teeth will appear evenly spaced with no large spaces between them.

Dental veneers can add length to your teeth

Whether you were born with smaller teeth or you’ve worn your teeth down through grinding, you feel like your smile could be better if your teeth appeared a bit longer. Well, don’t look any further than dental veneers for that, as we can add a touch of length to make your teeth appear more normal sized.

Dental veneers go the distance

After we bond the veneers to your teeth, you can enjoy your new-and-improved smile for a decade or more, on average. In fact, if you take good care of them, we’ve seen veneers last 20 years or more.

And should a veneer fail, you simply return for a quick replacement.

Dental veneers have a great track record

While we can go on about our own experiences with dental veneers, we’ll let the money talk. 

In 2023, veneers represented a nearly $2.4 billion market in the United States and experts expect this to climb to almost 4.3 billion by 2030. This means there are a good number of satisfied customers who are spreading the word about how dental veneers are improving smiles.

To see for yourself how dental veneers can bring your smile to the next level, set up an appointment at our Los Angeles office to explore the possibilities. We serve the Silver Lake neighborhood and areas of Los Feliz, Atwater Village, Frogtown, and Echo Park.